Thursday, March 29, 2018

Color Coordinated Egg Hunts????

Easter is approaching, fast, as in like 3 days from now! My son is 14 so he's "too old" for Easter Egg Hunts, but I recently saw a share on Facebook that made me grin and pissed me off at the same time. Just look for yourself….

What the hell is this??? Sure, it might be great for very small kids and could help them with learning their colors. But seriously, what the hell are we teaching our kids? This is one of those "fair is fair" type of deals, but it's crap. This ranks right up there with participation ribbons and trophies. We're teaching our kids that life is going to be fair and they'll always be rewarded for the mildest things. It's a lie though. Ok, we all know I can be an angry bitter person and I AM working on that with my therapist, but no amount of therapy can make me change my mind about raising my son to know that he won't always get what he wants and life isn't fair.

We should teach our children that participation is necessary regardless of whether you're on a winning team or not. Being a team player is about supporting your teammates regardless of what the outcome may be. Our children need to know that they may participate in something where someone else will earn, gain or win more than they will. We should teach our children to be compassionate to others but to also realize when it's time to stand their ground to keep themselves from being used and walked on. These lessons begin in childhood and the teenage years. We can't raise our children to always think life will be fair and then send them off at 18 thinking life is going to be easy, a walk in the park.

It's not. Plain and simple.

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