Wednesday, February 3, 2016

am I the only one who doesn't give a damn about Super Bowl Sunday???

Ah, Super Bowl 50 is upon us. Yay? At the moment, I really only care about college football. I don't know why. I was raised on it I guess. My father worked for the state highway department for years and every year they had conferences at Clemson University and he would bring us stuff back with Clemson all over them. I just kind of fell in love with that famous orange paw print. It became a love, almost an obsession. I'm not completely obsessed as my house isn't painted orange and purple and while we have plenty of Clemson clothing, there aren't a lot of Clemson items around our home. I follow the season every year. I'll get into arguments over my boys and I'm damn proud of how far they've come this past season. I'm hoping my son will aspire to go to Clemson one day but if he doesn't, I'm ok with that too.

If he chooses to play professional football, I'm screwed because I really know nothing about it. I get the logistics. I understand the game. While I might change my tune if he does play professional football, what I don't understand is the money! Don't get me wrong, these men work hard. They work hard as hell. I know they train a lot, and I mean, a lot. They get beat up, pushed around and hurt. I however don't understand why they get SO much. The average NFL player salary per year is $1.75 MILLION. That's the AVERAGE! That's factoring in little to no name players. That's not even giving an idea of what a big shots salary is. Aaron Rogers' 2016 Average is $22 million. He has the highest 2016 average salary. The lowest is Nick Boyle at $611,564. Seriously? Minimum wage in this country is forcing people to seek government assistance and there are people starving, homeless, jobless, etc. Then you have football players making enough money to support entire states. I just feel that it's unacceptable. Now again, there might be a change in my tune if the boy wonder plays professional ball and takes care of his dear loving wonderful amazing mother one day!


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