Sunday, January 18, 2015

fuck volunteering

I think 2015 should be the year I get out of helping ANYONE and volunteering for anything. I left the AllRecipes AllStars last year because they were getting too…demanding and they were clearly siding with people who had been in the program longer than others. There was some drama on the Facebook page that led to me being told to watch what I post. Basically, people were posting other sites and such they were selling for and these sites were left up there and no one said a word. I posted ONCE and someone had a fit and I told them that I had the right to do what others are doing and it led to ME being reprimanded by those in charge. This wasn’t the first time stuff like this had been done. They were also demanding more and more from us that was costing us more and more money and as volunteers, I felt that we should be compensated a little, free coupon or something but it got to the point where we were told what we had to do and if we had to buy it, it was our problem. As a volunteer, I don’t have to come out of pocket so that a brand can get future recognition and bring in sales. Nope. Not doing it, so I left that at the end of last year. I’m also a sales person for Jamberry now, since October and I don’t like their practices, bullshit corporate responses to actual real questions or the way they’re beginning to do things. Companies that have glitches are supposed to get better over time, not worse. If so, then they need to shut down. Also, with Soldiers’ Angels, they’ve created a new database for us to report the work we do for SA. I understand that this is for them to keep track of current military personnel and support but I think it’s bullshit how they’re doing it. For example, any one of us can select letter writing or card writing requests, report that we did and never actually complete any of it. We also don’t get recognition for anything we do that was once SA related but no longer is. For example, a former SA volunteer still volunteers for her local VA and we send birthday cards every month for her to pass out. We were told we wouldn’t get recognition for recording those hours. I think that’s bullshit. I am indeed a volunteer and not a paid employee. I get that. However, I think volunteers should be recognized for the work they do. We used to be able to put our hours into the Presidential Volunteer Service Awards site and receive recognition once the hours were certified. Now the lady over SA has informed us that she would see what she could do about PVSA but the point of the new database was to prevent the extra step. That’s bullshit because if SA is going to recognize us for our ACTUAL hours then we’re not getting recognized for what we’re actually doing. It doesn’t seem right because we’re giving up our time, free of charge to support those overseas, home suffering or in VA homes or whatnot. It’s only fair to at least receive a piece of paper in the mail saying we did something, which we can file for ourselves. It only seems right. I’m getting sick of all the bureaucracy though.


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