Thursday, December 31, 2015

December 2015 - 30 Days of Lists

Day 1: December is for…
I composed my list based on family traditions.

- Reflections
- Holiday decorations
- Lego calendar
- Extra time with my “baby” boy
- More family than I want (lol)
- Bonfires
- Creativity
- Shopping
- Japanese cuisine
- Festive of Lights
- Giving

Day 2: New things I tried this year
- Eating better
- Lots of new recipes
- Selling MyThirtyOne
- Living without soda
- Saving money

Day 3: Ways to spread cheer
- Donate
- Feed the homeless
- Holiday cards
- Bakes goods
- Just be there for someone in need

Day 4: Ways to survive “Christmas” season
- Daily deal sites
- Start shopping in July (lol, but seriously)
- Budget, budget, budget
- Stick to budget
- Seriously! Stick to the damn budget!
- Wine
- More wine

Day 5: Favorite songs right now
- Hello – Adele
- Burning House – Cam
- Can’t Feel My Face – The Weeknd
- Kick the Dust Up – Luke Bryan
- Fight Song – Rachel Platten
- Black Magic – Little Mix
- New Americana – Halsey

Day 6: Ways to be creative
- Make a new food dish
- Create your own Christmas cards
- Journaling
- Coloring
- Decorate cupcakes (personal favorite)
- Make your own laundry pods
- Nature hike (make a collage of finds)

Day 7: How to battle a case of the Mondays
- Plenty of rest
- Good music
- Weekly countdown!

Day 8: Headlines I would like to read
- Shemar Moore and Robin Strickland to wed on Christmas
- Wars End, All Soldiers to Return Home
- Eating Cookies Makes You Skinny!
- Nation No Longer Butthurt Over Every Little Thing

Day 9: I love how I…
- Can be a friend when needed
- No longer take anyone’s bullshit
- Mind my own business

Day 10: Favorite reads this year
- The Shunning
- The Confession
- The Reckoning
- Decked
- Meteor Storm

Day 11: Things I changed this year
- Eating habits
- Sleeping habits
- Realizing who my real and true friends are
- The way my house looks

Day 12: How I Prepare for Family Time
- Wine
- Anxiety meds

Seriously! That’s all I got. My family is certifiable!

Day 13: Good Investments 
- Amazing friends
- Your children
- Fake Christmas tree purchased RIGHT AFTER CHRISTMAS!
- Digital camera
- Education
- Volunteering
- Reading everything
- Pets (if treated right they’ll be your most loyal friend)
- Having fun!

Day 14: Ways to Stay Warm (or Cool!)
Seeing as I have lived through several South Carolina summers with no air conditioning and a 100 degree house, I’m going to go with ways to stay cool.

- Sweet iced tea
- Spray bottles of water and a fan
- Bowl of ice in front of said fan
- Swimming pool
- Water hose outside
- As few clothes as possible

Day 15: How to tell if I like you…
- I’m a sarcastic ass around you and with you
- I actually laugh at your jokes instead of looking at you like you’re an idiot
- Um, I talk to you! Lol
- I remember things you tell me

Day 16: Let's go…
- Fishing
- Swimming
- Drinking
- To bed! Lol
- On a real date
- On a vacation

Day 17: What are your favorite things to wear?
- Jeans
- Flip flops
- t-shirts
- my nightgowns are cozy as well and if I’m home that’s all I’m in! lol
- hoodies
- ankle length maxi dresses
- anything Clemson
- boots
- my black cotton dress pants, at least I think that's what they're called. They’ve become all around the house pants now and they are sooooo comfortable!

Day 18: I am waiting for…
- Money to fall into my lap! I’ll take anything! Lol
- People to change. I know, it’s not going to happen.
- Myself to wake up and realize some shit will always be this way unless I change it myself.

Day 19: Overrated trends
- The Kardashians
- Elf on the Shelf
- Sayings like “deez nuts”
- Crazy names for children, stop naming your kids after fruits and your wants, KASH, APPLE, need I say more?
- One sided media stories
- Racism (yes, this seems to be a trend these days, everyone is quick to jump on the racism bandwagon whether it’s warranted or not)
- Reality TV
- Hashtags
- Selfie sticks

Day 20: I have plenty of…
- Shoes
- Notebooks
- Pens and pencils
- Useless junk (most of it’s gone now since we started cleaning and remodeling the house)
- Photos
- Nail polish
- Jamberry wraps
- Electronics

Day 21: Signs I am “the only female in my house”
- I’m the only one that cares when the house smells funny.
- I’m the only one who cares about made beds and clean clothes.
- I’m the only one who actually thinking about adding anything to a shopping list. Everyone else would wash with water and no soap if I didn’t shop!
- I’m always running late because of everyone else, no matter how quiet I am or how much I yell.
- I’m the only one who can ever find anything even when the searching party is standing right next to the “lost” object.

Day 22: I need another pair of arms to 
- Cook, do laundry and clean the house all at once
- Plan, work on the computer and my budget all at once

Day 23: Say yes to
- Having fun
- Sleeping late
- Indulging in that extra doughnut
- Learning new things
- Making new friends
- Trying new things

Day 24: How I can help others
- Taking care of myself – when I’m happy I give my all but when I’m unhappy or having a rough day, I’ll still do what I can to help but it’ll be half-assed
- Donate money, items, etc.
- Send greeting cards and letters to military personnel
- Listen to them

Day 25: Favorite gifts to give
- Handmade items
- Money
- Candy
- Hand baked goodies
- Personalized items fitted to the receivers likes
- Dinner at my house (we do this OFTEN)
- Helping with a bill they need paid or something they want and have mentioned but won’t outright ask for and won’t buy for themselves

Day 26: Things that can wait until tomorrow
- Laundry
- Dishes
- Shopping
- Facebook!

Day 27: My favorite things about this time of year
- Peppermint everything
- Vanilla hot chocolate
- Christmas lights
- My aunt’s venison chili
- Deep fried turkey for TWO holidays!
- Lemon squares!
- Japanese, Krispy Kreme and the Festival of Lights

Day 28: How to push my buttons
- Tell me you’ll do something and then become unreachable
- Interrupt me more than once and realize you’re doing it but choose not to stop
- Spending more of my money than I allowed you to when I handed you my bank card
- Whining about how shitty your life is, don’t go there. We all have problems and we’re all trying to survive
- Ignoring me when I’m trying to talk to you but then expecting me to listen to everything you have to say
- Stand in the middle of a store aisle talking instead of shopping and then looking at me, seeing that I want to get by and then going back to your conversation
- Whipping over in front of me then slowing down to turn
- People who don’t use turn signals
- Treating me like a child, I’m 31, I’ve been through enough and taken care of enough people already to know what the hell I’m doing

Day 29: Resolutions I kept
- No resolutions to break because I don’t make them!

Day 30: Highlights of 2015
- Reconnecting with an amazing friend and her husband
- Finally got my master bedroom
- Finally calling quits to a toxic friendship

Bonus Day 31: 2016 will be the year for…
To me this sounds kind of like a resolution list and I don’t tend to make resolutions because I think people should change, if they choose to, for the better, not just for one year. Yes, I’ve heard that changing one little habit can change someone for the better or the worse and for long-term but not in my world… This year however, I’ve decided there are things I want to change in general so I’m making some life resolutions to include here.

- Lose more weight (I lost 40lbs in 2015 so it’s a start already)
- Eat differently. I can’t necessarily say eat “better” because what’s considered good for you one day is considered bad for you the next day and vice versa. For me this means cutting out sodas and drinking more water and eating more fruit. I feel better when I eat fruit, drink water, and have baked or crock pot meals instead of fried foods and candy/salty snacks.
- Not share and post everything on Facebook.
- Cook more at home and eat out less. 2015 was terrible for us. We ate out A LOT because of scheduling, laziness and sickness.
- Plan better. This will allow me to be more efficient with my time as well as help me cook better because I can plan around sports and such.
- Spend more time with my son and pay more attention. His attitude is getting terrible and he’s growing up fast. I need to try to keep him grounded and a good kid while I still have time.


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