Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Extra Credit Desert Diorama

So my mini me decided to wait until the absolute last possible minute to work on an extra credit project he has due tomorrow. He knew about it for three weeks… Way to go kid! Lol. He’s definitely taking after me. The assignment was to create a shoebox diorama of a habitat. He chose the desert.

It’s a good thing that his mother is a crafty lady and has all kinds of awesome stuff on hand. We didn’t have anything to really put in the box and a quick trip to town via my boyfriend left us pretty empty handed for “decorations” since our tiny town had NOTHING for a desert. Good thing mom had pipe cleaners in various dark colors on hand. PERFECT for the dessert and we have a dirt road right by our house that has some sand at the end of it that they put in after it kept washing away and creating huge potholes. We got creative! Green pipe cleaners became cactus. Two different browns and a tiny red one became a snake. Dark brown became a scorpion and light brown became a camel. Keegan’s imagination went EVERYWHERE on what could be put in the box.

I also have spray Elmer’s adhesive. I highly recommend this stuff! We covered the inside of the box with brown construction paper and then bundled some paper up and glued it to the bottom and then we glued down another piece so that we didn’t just have flat terrain. We sprayed the inside with the spray glue and dumped in some sand. We emptied it and repeated until we had several layers of sand and then let it dry. We poked a couple holes and started sticking in our creations. A piece of blue paper glued to the top, some cotton balls, a cotton face pad and some orange and yellow finger paint later and we had a sky! I love his creative nature and I love how into he got. I mean he was throwing out ideas left and right.

All in all, for it to be a last minute project I think he did an amazing job! I posted it on Facebook and his teacher came back with the response “100” so I’m pretty sure that means he earned full credit! Way to go kid! I’m proud of you!


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