So I signed up about a week ago for this cool idea called a Graze box. It comes for $6 once every week/every other week/however you set up your timetable, and contains 4 snacks, HEALTHY snacks. What instantly made me try them was that you can cancel at any time. The website tells you when your next box is coming and what date and time you have to cancel by before you'll be charged. The snacks looked amazing and you get things like Key Lime Pie in trail mix form! When you sign up, you can use a code to get your 1st and 5th boxes free and then if you give people your code, they can sign up and you earn $1 which you can use on your own boxes, or you can donate it through Graze to the Graze School of Farming. Your friends get their 1st and 5th box free. On the website, once you get your box, you can rate, using a "trash, try, like, love" scale. Trash means that you didn't like it and they won't send it to you again. Try is automatically marked on every product when you sign up and they'll send it to you once to try unless you go and click on something else. Like means that you liked it and they'll send it to you occasionally. Love, well, obviously means that you loved it and they'll send it frequently. Again, you can cancel at ANY time. There's no obligation to stay with the program.

I received my first box today. YUM! Look at all these amazing looking goodies! As you can see, in my first box, I received Key Lime Pie, My Thai, Cracking Black Pepper Cashews, and Summer Berry Flapjack. I immediately dug into the flapjack. It looks like a granola bar and it was AMAZING! It had this sweetness to it that kept it from tasting like your typical granola bar. The insert includes nutritional information including a "best by" date. The Key Lime Pie contains lime infused raisins, sponge pieces, mini meringues and green raisins. It does taste like key lime pie as long as you eat a little bit of everything together. I only liked it instead of loving it because I'm quite fond of pie being in pie form. I just couldn't get past that phase but it does taste good and does indeed taste like key lime pie. The My Thai basically only has the flavor from the sauce. I guess that's the point since the little crackers or chips are soy. The sauce has a sweet flavor to it with a kick at the end. Not really something I'd eat again. The Cracking Black Pepper Cashews taste like they sound, cashews covered in black pepper. Again, not really something I'd eat again. I can't stand too much black pepper. On anything.
If you want to sign up, just go to and put in my friend code: ROBINS7RB
Enjoy snacking!