So I have an obsession with making something new out of something old. I also tend to change my mind a lot so I either never finish a project, or if I do finish a project, by the time I’m done, I’ve changed my mind and moved on never utilizing the finished project. That’s why this post comes at least 6 months after the completion of what I’m calling a “plant pot makeover.”
For Mother’s Day 2013, my amazing fiancĂ© bought me an orchid. These are my favorite flowers and are often hard to find as they are seasonal and must be searched and scoured for where we reside. For some reason, someone decided it would be a great idea for Wal-Mart to sell these single potted plants for Mother’s Day (they did the same thing this year for Valentine’s Day). Anyway, he bought me one because he knew I’d love it. I unfortunately do NOT have a green thumb at all. It’s more black and crusted over. I can’t keep anything alive. It’s seriously a wonder my son is still kickin’. It’s probably a good thing he can bathe and feed himself! I am totally kidding but you understand. Anyway, sadly orchids also require specific light, watering, etc. so… it kind of died. It’s a good thing that he realized, that I realized, that it was the thought that counts and I really did love my present. I have pictures of it and I even pressed a petal and laminated it so it would never be completely gone! Yea, I’m sentimental like that. I loved the size of the pot though and didn’t want to throw a perfectly good pot so, I decided to give it a makeover. This was trial and error and while it took forever and so much work for something so simple, I’m still very happy with the outcome.
This was the outside of the pot before I started and the inside after I painted it silver. The inside was already rough so it didn’t require sanding. That’s tape across the top because I didn’t want the inside and the outside the same color. Barriers!

So I didn’t sand it to begin with. I figured I could use the paint that allows you to paint over something without roughing it up. Yea. Didn’t work so well. Paint was runny and drippy and while that can be a cool look, it wasn’t what I was going for. So…alas I had to sand.

and sand some more… don’t hate on my sexy mask and sunglasses. I didn’t have goggles so my shades were the next best thing.
I suppose it paid off though because after I got the outside VERY WELL SANDED, I spray painted it black and one thin coat at a time (that’s the key) and voila. We have this beautiful coat of black paint on the outside.
and the inside again…
Then I took my trusty silver paint pen and drew awesome designs on it. After that, I spray painted it with clear coat, inside and outside and BAM, I have a new pen/pencil cup! I also have a thing for black/white and black/silver. Can't ya tell?
I constantly change my mind about things I want to use but this one’s been going strong since I made it over 6 months ago and I have to say, I STILL LOVE IT! I really do. I change my pens out occasionally to suit whatever I’m feeling (I have a pen box bigger than my boot shoe boxes). This drives my fiancĂ© crazy but oh well!
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