I became an Allstar this month!!! For those of you that have NO clue what that is, AllRecipes® has an Ambassador program that one can become part of through trials and tribulations (so to speak) and once you do, it is AMAZING! That’s what I hear from my girl Faith anyway. I have to say this month was pretty cool. I received an awesome welcome package with a cute little potholder and an insulated grocery tote. For the next 12 months, I get to cook and share it all with other men and women like myself who also love to cook and share it with others! Yay! I hope the rest of the months are as fun and adventurous as February was. Because the Allstars is about cooking and sharing, I figured instead of starting a whole new blog, I’d just post all my fun adventures in this one!
Moving right along! For the month of February, we had to choose three Faceless recipes (recipes on the site with no picture), make them up and post a picture of what our creation looked like. Let me tell you, some of mine weren’t so pretty, however, they got done!
My first recipe was a
Garlic Chicken Breast. It turned out pretty tasty but it was very bland looking. I discovered during this dish that my oven’s temperature control is apparently busted. My oven is cooking at 425
° no matter what the temperature is set at. The funny thing about this is however, I had to cook the chicken longer than the recipe called for because it wasn’t done at the time allocated! I figured that even if the time in the recipe was off, cooking at a good 75
°hotter than it should have, it would’ve gotten done quicker. NOT! Either way it came out pretty good. Tad bit dry but tasty.

My second recipe was fairly easy and simple since all it required was a little booze, lemon (and peel), honey and hot water! It was a......
Hot Toddy Cocktail! No, I'm not a boozer (much) but we make these all the time when we have terrible colds or the flu and we had all the ingredients on hand for a change! I discovered with a lot of the faceless recipes, I didn't have a lot of the ingredients on hand (or we wouldn't like them). Yes, I have enough food to feed an army but there are things we do not own!!!!

My third and final faceless for February was
Savory Diet Chicken. We discovered why it was called "diet chicken." I'm not so sure why the savory was included in there. I followed the directions exactly and well....as you can tell from the picture it was bland looking. It was pretty bland tasting too. We love chicken and we cook it in a million different ways but this will most likely not be one that we add to our collection.
February was fun though. We did get to try some new recipes. I learned a lot of other spices, condiments and necessary ingredients that I might need to make it through the rest of the program, so we'll see what happens! See you in March!
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