So I recently read A Stolen Life: A Memoir, by Jaycee Dugard. For those of you that might not know who that is, she was the young girl, kidnapped from near her home when she was 11 years old and was "found" eighteen years later. I'm by no means an expert writer, but I have to say that if you didn't know this was written by someone with no more than a fourth grade education, you'd choose to describe it as tacky, unprofessional and written poorly. The book made me want to put it down and keep reading all at the same time. I felt like I was reading a child's journal but then I would get wrapped up in what she was writing and I couldn't put it down. This poor girl went through so much more than the news and internet portrayed. I would recommend this book, however, I would also warn them to take into consideration who is writing it. This girl was kept prisoner for eighteen years by a pedophile and his wife who thought her husband did no wrong. It makes you want to scream, get sick and ask what's wrong with people in the world. How did people not know what was going on? How did the law, the parole officers, and people they ran across not know who she was or that something was wrong? Read it!
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