Thursday, June 28, 2012

Courageous - Book

So a while back, I decided I was going to do a media blog. Bust since I don't really review enough movies, books or music to actually HAVE a blog, I decided to just add the original posts into my personal blog. Believe me, I see enough movies and read TONS of books. I just don't get into writing about them as much as I should. I mean, I'm always recommending great movies and books to friends, I just don't do it on paper (or on the computer).

Anyway! My "original" first book recommendation HAS to be Courageous by Randy Alcorn, Alex Kendrick, and Stephen Kendrick. This was a movie before it was a book by the way. This is an amazing and enlightening book! I haven't watched the movie yet but I will stand by the book. It's mostly aimed at fathers, and roles they should take in their children's lives. Four men's lives are changed through the course of this book and in the end they all come out better men. They learn to be better fathers, husbands, friends and police officers through the Lord. Now, in reality, this doesn't always happen, but for those that REALLY want to be better role models, they could take away something from this book. I give it 5 out of 5 stars. PS. If you ever read or watched Fireproof, the same guys get credit for that project and if you LOVED Fireproof, you’ll love Courageous.


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