Saturday, May 16, 2020

trophies for parenting, get over yourself...

Someone, explain it to me, please. I don't get why parents feel compelled to brag about every single thing that they do as a parent while also expecting some kind of recognition for it. It reminds me of kids getting trophies for participating. In fact, I bet these parents all got participation trophies when they were kids! It's the only way to explain it.

Every single day, I log on to Facebook to see what my friends and family are up to, catch up on news stories, real and fake, ha!, and just keep in touch with the world, let them know I'm still alive. Every single day, I see the same posts, "I swore I'd never be that mom, but look what I did last night even though little Billy had three weeks to complete it!" There are others, "my kids better know how lucky they are with all the sacrifices I made for them this week!" HELLO! You're a parent. Your job is to care for those kids and yes, that means making sacrifices. As a parent, and a single one at that, I know all too well what it means to give up your life for someone else and make sacrifices for them, but those are the prices you pay for having children. If it's not the life you wanted, then don't get pregnant, or give your kid up for adoption or just stop seeking praise for it! We all know it's hard. We all want someone to talk to once in a while and yes, we do want praise for keeping our kids alive, but seriously, every single day? Do you need recognition every single day? I'm thinking that honestly, if you do, then you need something else in your life, a therapist, medication, more friends, something.

Look, to all the parents out there, and I mean ALL THE PARENTS (if you're actually taking care of your kids) out there, you're doing an amazing job! Yes, you deserve recognition for keeping your crotch monkeys alive each and every day. I'm the advocate for parent presents on kids birthdays! I mean, why should the kids get presents, just for being born? We should get gifts for creating, birthing, raising, and keeping them alive for another year! We should be recognized for that, at least once a year, but we do not need daily recognition. We do not need to know how much you spoil your children. We do not need to know that you do all of your kids school projects because they were too lazy to do them, or seek help when they were assigned the project, or were too focused on a video game to remember the project to begin with. In the end, this will come back to bite you in the ass because when your child grows up to be 25, an idiot, living at home and flipping burgers at a fast food restaurant, you're merely going to have a black and white electronic record of all the ways you allowed this to happen and then you'll sit there and naively wonder "where did I go wrong?" Some people, not saying me, but some people might just laugh and ask you "are you fucking serious" while slinging out screenshot after screenshot of your mistakes. Yes, we all make mistakes but we don't need to document them! Am I right?!?!!?!?!?
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