Every. Single.
Year. It happens every single year in August, September for some locations.
Back to school = back to school shopping. With this also comes the massive
amount of parents whining and bitching about the back to school shopping lists.
I'm here to say STOP. Just stop. Please.
Do you have
any idea what it takes to care for your sniffling, sneezing, writing, active
little "darling" children every day in a classroom? You should if you
spent any time with them over the summer. You know they don't like to sit
still. You know they want to play and use a lot of supplies and patience to
keep your house in one piece.
During the
school year, one, MAYBE two teachers are responsible for the classroom they
teach in. This includes keeping it damage free as well as supplied. Some
schools give their teachers budgets, some don't. Even those with a classroom
budget will tell you, it's never enough! Kids waste things. They lose things.
They destroy things. Teachers come out of pocket every single year to ensure
your children have all the supplies they'll need to be successful during the
school year. Some of them spend practically their entire paycheck on YOUR
children and you have the nerve to grumble about buying a box of tissue and
some hand sanitizer.
These parents
are usually the same ones grumbling about having to take a day off from work
because irresponsible mom Jenny sent Timmy to school sick and their poor little
Ben got sick because there was no hand sanitizer or tissues for him to use.
So stop. Just
pick up your back to school list. Buy the damn supplies and maybe a little
extra for that poor kid who couldn't afford them and support your teachers!
They are shaping your children for the future and dammit they deserve more than
a mom getting angry over an extra pack of pencils.
PS. A lot of
kids also have back to school parties and giveaways of school supplies so if
you are one of those that cannot afford supplies, perhaps see if your area has
this going on and partake in it! Take advantage of that opportunity for your
kid so he or she has all the tools needed for a successful school year!