For most, fairy tales are introduced to us as children from our parents. They become goodnight stories or perhaps entertainment to keep us from becoming bored. As kids, many of us are read fairy tales because they were fun and comforting. Others may have stumbled upon fairy tales on their own. Some have never even heard of fairy tales.
For kids, fairy tales bring a sense of comfort. Those with happy loving families just equate the fairy tale to their life and mommy married prince charming and everyone’s living happily ever after. There are other kids who find solace in these tales. Kids whose home life isn’t so great or pleasant and they get entranced by these tales, feeling like their current life won’t always be that way, that one day someone will come along and rescue them. It's what we choose to look forward to, a charmed life.
As adults, let’s face it, FAIRY TALES FUCKING SUCK. Of course many of us continue to read them to our kids because hey, it’s a right of childhood to hear the tales from mommy and or daddy’s mouths. But again, they suck once you’re an adult. Yes, you might find your prince charming but really, what happens once prince charming is found and locked down with a ring and a license? We never get the ending of a fairy tale. I mean, we do, “and they lived happily ever after.” Seriously! What’s your definition of happily ever after? Why didn’t Peter Pan stick around when I needed him and Neverland the most? Oh wait, because I grew up and he’s a fucking immortal child or, in actuality, a figment of our imaginations. Where’s my shiny castle with my horse drawn carriage and a man taking care of me? Again, in another book…
Don't get me wrong, many people end of living their form of a fairy tale life. Let's face it though, it's nothing like the stories we read or heard growing up. No one has a perfect life. Everyone has problems. Everyone fights. After we meet prince charming the fantasy ends and reality begins. Compromises, bills, children, jobs and for many, fighting, over all of these things. That's when it ends. You realize life isn't what you thought it would be and that everything you fantasized about as a kid just isn't real.
Fairy tales are an illusion and a lie, that's all…