Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December 2014 - 30 Days of Lists

So December 1 marked another start for 30 Days of Lists! Yes, yes, we all know there are 31 days in December! Moving right along. This used to occur only twice a year, in March and September, but last year the ladies who sponsor it started one in December. Last year, I did a huge book but didn’t finish until like, February! I wanted it to have all these pictures, stickers, embellishments, etc., like all the other listers on the site. I however discovered I'm way too plain for that shit and I have one tiny creative bone hidden in my body that only surfaces when Keegan has last minute school projects. This year I’m keeping it simple and putting it in here. I was also going to do one post a day but I wrote them all on paper and then typed them up when the month was over, so here they are, all 30 lists! lol

Day 1 - It’s __________ season!
     hot cocoa
     bon fire

Day 2- It’s too early for…

     Christmas shopping
     Sleeping late
     Tree decorating
     Family get togethers -_-

Day 3 - Photos to take this month
     Keegan doing lego calendar
     Festival of Lights
     Present opening

Day 4 - Friends and family I get to see this month
     Tony’s family

Day 5 - Changes I made in 2014
     Stopped agreeing with everyone
     Started thinking for myself
     Started believing I can have more
     Stopped biting my tongue

Day 6 - Favorite words to write
     Frig it
     Lol (does this count)

Day 7 - Things I think about in the shower
     Home renovation
     What needs to get done

Day 8 - Things that put me in a good mood
     UPS at my door
     Packages in my mail box
     Keegan doing well at something he really likes
     Funny YouTube videos
     Figuring out something that’s had me stumped forever

Day 9 - People who influence me
     My son
     My mom (even though she’s gone)

Day 10 - Favorite recipes
     Ranch bread crumb chicken
     Tony’s roast
     Mom’s beef stew

Day 11 - Parts of my life I wish I could outsource
     Dealing with dad
     My fat…can’t I give that to someone else

Day 12 - Traditions I love
     Going to Miyabi’s, Krispy Kreme, the Lights
     Buying my family yearly ornaments
     Decorating for holidays

Day 13 - Current soundtrack
     Something in the Water – Carrie Underwood
     Girl in a Country Song – Maddie & Tae
     Drinking Class – Lee Brice
     All About That Bass – Meghan Trainor

Day 14 - On my nightstand
     ink pen

Day 15 - Out my window (I was at school waiting on Keegan)
     School building
     Other cars

Day 16 - Today I…
     Will meet someone to sell my costume jewelry to
     Will catch up on my letters and cards to soldiers
     Think up a Christmas tree idea

Day 17 - On my desk today
     List of shit to accomplish

Day 18 - Things to cross of my list
     Make Christmas tree
     Finish cards

Day 19 - Things I’ll never regret
     Having my son
     Speaking my mind
     Standing up for myself
     Getting an education
     Taking care of my parents

Day 20 - Favorite moments from this week
     Learning I could afford braces for my son
     Christmas break began at 12pm yesterday
     Knowing I helped provide Christmas for a needy military family

Day 21 - My version of “fancy” involves
     Getting dressed up for dinner
     Candles at the dinner table

Day 22 - My to do list
     Paint cabinets/bar
     Clean out fridge
     Wrap presents
     Call orthodontist
     Call credit union
     Call Dodge dealership
     Make gingerbread house with Keegan
     Balance checkbooks
     Work on Pinterest boards

Day 23 - I find magic in
     My son’s encouragement
     Little things Tony does for me

Day 24 - Ways to express joy
     Create something

Day 25 - I would like to remember
     How to be me
     The look on my sons face when he opened his presents
     To stop worrying so much
     I can’t be perfect (according to others’ standards)

Day 26 - I am grateful for
     My son
     A place to live
     Being able to be at home with my son
     Knowing how to be frugal

Day 27 - Things that happened yesterday

     Keegan went to his dads
     I got takeout instead of cooking

Day 28 - Today I choose to
     Sleep in
     Ignore people
     Get my meal binder together
     Make a plan for 2015

Day 29 - My daily routine
     Sleep til noon
     Get up
     Brush teeth
     Get a soda
     Check daily links
     Max out swagbucks
     Check email

Day 30 - Skills to work on next year
     Love myself more
     Stop letting people take advantage
     People skills
     Attitude adjustment
     Be nicer

Free Kleenex!!!

Let's be real, who doesn't like something FREE!??!?! I love FREE!

I received some lovely boxes of tissue from Crowdtap and Kleenex to try out and mmm, I love the softness. Kleenex is the only brand I use anyway. They have many different varieties and during the cold winter seasons, it's a blessing to have options. You can get ones with lotion in them and those are my favorite!

As an added gift, Crowdtap gave me a link to a printable coupon for $1.50 off two boxes of Kleenex so you too can share in the joy of Kleenex with me!!!
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