Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Positive Thought Cannot Be Denied

I've been trying to have a more positive outlook about things. I've been trying to do better on a daily basis in a lot of areas. I've been going to bed "early" every night and either staying up once Keegan is off to school or only sleeping until about 9:30 or 10. I've found that I'm more productive this way, go figure! With that, I read an article that states that writing down three positives that happen to you during the day can improve your mood and gets you thinking positively so I've decided I'm going to try each day to write down, somewhere, three positives about the day. Today's positives:

Tony and I are getting along! This is definitely an achievement.

Keegan and his basketball team are getting better with each game. They didn't win, but they are getting better and they go out and give all the heart they can.

Keegan and I made it to and from town safely.

Unfortunately I have a meeting with Keegan's teacher and I think it might have to do with something I said at the Advanced Training meeting on Monday. I guess I should have gone to her first before I mentioned anything to the other teacher and assistant principle. I didn't mean anything by it and I wasn't going to them first as opposed to going to her. We were just chatting about how things were different this year for us than they had been in previous years and I felt like there was more she could be doing. I'm only guessing that's what this is about. For all I know, it could be something totally different but Keegan's been pretty good in school since the Christmas break so unless he's doing poorly grade wise, the meeting has to be about me. I feel bad because if this is the case, then in her eyes, it seems like I went to other staff members, especially the assistance principle before going to her, which I was going to do. I was going to try to schedule a meeting with her this coming week. Anyway, that entire situation might make my tomorrow a bad day... Hope not. I hope she understands the situation and doesn't hold it against me or Keegan for the rest of the school year.
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